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FastAPI Backport

Lanarky is built on top of FastAPI and offers backwards compatibility with all FastAPI features. Nonetheless, if your project uses FastAPI and Lanarky is not a drop-in replacement, you can still the low-level Lanarky modules to build your microservice.

We will use the examples from the OpenAI API Router guide to demonstrate how to use the low-level modules as well as understand how the router works under the hood.


OpenAI adapter extends the StreamingResponse class to support streaming for OpenAI microservices.


Before you start, make sure you have read the Streaming and OpenAI API Router guides.

import os

from fastapi import Depends
from pydantic import BaseModel

from lanarky import Lanarky
from lanarky.adapters.openai.resources import ChatCompletionResource, Message
from lanarky.adapters.openai.responses import StreamingResponse

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "add-your-openai-api-key-here"

app = Lanarky()

class ChatInput(BaseModel):
    messages: list[Message]

def chat_completion_factory(stream: bool = True) -> ChatCompletionResource:
    system = "You are a sassy assistant"
    return ChatCompletionResource(system=system, stream=stream)"/chat")
async def chat(
    request: ChatInput,
    resource: ChatCompletionResource = Depends(chat_completion_factory),
    return StreamingResponse(resource=resource, **request.model_dump())

The /chat endpoint is similar to the one we created using OpenAIAPIRouter in the OpenAI API Router guide.


You can use the same client script from the OpenAI API Router guide to test the above example.


In addition to streaming, OpenAI adapter also supports websockets. Let's take a look at how we can build an OpenAI microservice using websockets.

import os

from fastapi import Depends
from pydantic import BaseModel

from lanarky import Lanarky
from lanarky.adapters.openai.resources import ChatCompletionResource, Message
from import Events
from lanarky.websockets import WebSocket, WebsocketSession

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "add-your-openai-api-key-here"

app = Lanarky()

class ChatInput(BaseModel):
    messages: list[Message]

def chat_completion_factory() -> ChatCompletionResource:
    system = "You are a sassy assistant"
    return ChatCompletionResource(system=system, stream=True)

async def chat(
    websocket: WebSocket,
    resource: ChatCompletionResource = Depends(chat_completion_factory),
    async with WebsocketSession().connect(websocket) as session:
        async for data in session:
            async for chunk in resource.stream_response(
                await websocket.send_json(
                    dict(data=chunk, event=Events.COMPLETION)
            await websocket.send_json(dict(data="", event=Events.END))

In this example, we use the WebsocketSession context manager to connect to the websocket and communicate with the client. We pass the client data to the OpenAI resource and stream the response back to the client.


Similar to the streaming example, you can use the same client script from the OpenAI API Router guide to test the websocket example.